Our Equipment

Cameras / Lenses

8 – Ikegami HDK 79E Cameras
6 – System Expanders w/ 9″ Viewfinders 1 – Fujinon 101 x 8.9 Box Lens
5 – Fujinon 87 x 9.3 Box Lenses
3 – Fujinon 22 x 7.8 ENG Lenses
1 – Fujinon 13 x 4.5 ENG Wide Angle Lens

Replay / Record

2 – EVS LSM XT2 (6 ch, 4 ch)
2 – EVS R/O XT2 (4 ch)
1 – EVS XS Spot Box (4 ch)
1- XFILE 3 w/ two 3.5″ removable Hard Drive Cages 1 – AJHD 1700 DVC PRO Tape Machine
1- PDW 1600 XD CAM Machine


Calrec Omega Console
56 Fader w/ Bluefin Technology 256 x 256 NVision Router
128 x 128 Analog, 128 x 128 AES
Genelec Monitoring 4 – DBX Compressors
2- DigiCart EX2 w/ controller (SD card, ZIP Drive) 2 – Big Ear Parabolic Microphone Dish

– The Thunderbird
– Phoenix Blaze
– Phoenix Phantom
– Pelican

The Eagle

HD 53’ High-Definition
Mobile Unit

Up to 11 Ikegami HDk Cameras

1 – FUJINON 101 x 8.9 Box Lens

3 – FUJINON 87 x 9.3 Box Lens

3—FUJINON 22 x 7.8 Box Lens

1—FUJINON 13 x 4.5 Wide Angle Lens

5.1 Surround Sound

Jimmy Jib and Steadicam

4 EVS Machines + Slow Mo

…and much more

The Thunderbird

40” High-Definition
Mobile Unit

Up to 10 Grass Valley Cameras

3 – FUJINON 87 x 9.3 Box Lens

2—FUJINON 76 Box Lens


1—FUJINON 13 x 4.5 Wide Angle Lens

Jimmy Jib and Steadicam

2 EVS Machines + Slow M

…and much more

The Pelican

Utility Truck

Pheonix Blaze-- Ku Band/ C Band Uplink Truck

RF Transmission Equipment

2.4m  GD Satcom C/Ku band motorized Antenna

ETM Hub mount  200 watt C /400 watt Ku -Band TWTA – Primary

ETM Hub mount  200 watt C /400 watt Ku -Band TWTA – Back up

Two C-Band Upconverters

Two Ku-Band Upconverters

1:1 RF control switch

RF And routing control system

1705 Spectrum Analyzer/Monitor

ETI Dehydrator

Digital Equipment and Monitoring

Two Adtec EN-81 Mpeg 2/4 Encoders with DVBS2 QPSK/8PSK Modulators

Two Ericsson 1290 Professional Sat Receivers

Kumo HDSDI Routing Switcher

Evertz HDSDI DAs

Wohler HDSDI Audio Monitor

Two sets of 8” dual Rack Mounted Black Magic HDSDI Monitors

17” Black Magic HDL-SMVHD Monitor

Canare Digital Video Patch Panels

Netgear Ethernet Switch

Pheonix Phantom-- Ku Band/ C Band Uplink Truck

RF Transmission Equipment

2.4m  GD Satcom C/Ku band motorized Antenna

ETM Hub mount  200 watt C /400 watt Ku -Band TWTA – Primary

ETM Hub mount  200 watt C /400 watt Ku -Band TWTA – Back up

Two C-Band Upconverters

Two Ku-Band Upconverters

1:1 RF control switch

RF And routing control system

1705 Spectrum Analyzer/Monitor

ETI Dehydrator

Digital Equipment and Monitoring

Two Adtec EN-81 Mpeg 2/4 Encoders with DVBS2 QPSK/8PSK Modulators

Two Ericsson 1290 Professional Sat Receivers

Kumo HDSDI Routing Switcher

Evertz HDSDI DAs

Wohler HDSDI Audio Monitor

Two sets of 8” dual Rack Mounted Black Magic HDSDI Monitors

17” Black Magic HDL-SMVHD Monitor

Canare Digital Video Patch Panels

Netgear Ethernet Switch